Random Announcements. Plus, I Hate Moving

All right, kiddies, sit down and open up your ear holes, ‘cuz Elle’s got some announcin’ to do.
The approximate number of boxes I've
packed, lifted, or otherwise engaged.

1. I’m on “vacation.” Actually, few vacations involve this much manual labor. I’m on moving duty. I’ve taken five weeks out of my light summer schedule and am helping my partner pack and move to South Dakota to be with me. Yeah – South Dakota, where my partner’s presence personally doubles the Jewish population. Now that’s love, folks. Anyway, this is why my blogging has been so desultory lately. I promise to get back to my usual couple-times-per-week blogging once the hauling of my-nemeses-the-evil-boxes and the driving of 1900 miles and across nine states have reached their beautiful conclusions.

2. I hate moving. I hate manual labor. I hate driving. It must be love. Or masochism. I’m not so sure there’s a big difference.

3. I just proposed a short story idea to Soul Mate Publishing, my publisher for Hunted and Hunted Dreams. For those who love Jade, a character who plays a pretty major minor role in Hunted Past and Hunted Dreams, this will be a special treat. I mean, Jade may be a bit of a player, but she needs some true love in her life, right? Because I’m especially benevolent, I decided to pair her up with a curly-haired, blue-eyed, culinarily-inclined Jew named Jensen. Yeah, she’s essentially getting my partner. (However, Jade won’t be tormented with packing 30 boxes and moving across 1900 miles.) The proposed title? You got it: A Hunted Holiday.

4. I like bullet points. Whoever invented them, I thank that person.

5. Forthcoming blog posts: a. What the end of DOMA means. Given how often I’ve seen peeps on Facebook reference how “gay marriage is now legalized!,” I think many need a little
I love you a latte.
primer; b. Why we need fat/size pride/acceptance/diversity movements; c. Who inspires my romantic heroes; d. Maybe some pictures from across the many states I have/will recently travel.

I’m off. I’m quite sure there will be more my-nemeses-the-evil-boxes in the immediate future. However, my partner is also about to return from a coffee shop with a coconut-milk latte. Maybe this love thing is kinda worth 30 boxes and 29 hours of driving. 

P.S. I counted the boxes, and their number is much closer to 50 than 3o. I think I deserve an extra latte.

P.P.S. It was actually eleven states we traversed, not including Florida and South Dakota. Yeah.


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