Hunted Dreams is on the Horizon!

My homemade cover, which
I'm sure will look nothing like
the publisher's

Ohmigosh, ohmigosh, ohmigosh! I just received in my email inbox the first round of revisions to Hunted Dreams, the latest installment in my Hunted Series. I have a special fondness for this book, not only because the main character is a strong, self-rescuing fat woman (yeah!), but because I really started stretching my creative muscles when penning this book. The shero, who remains unnamed for the first part of the book, is trapped in an endless cycle of nightmares, which adds a surreal, dark, grisly touch. I admit I was thrilled and challenged when writing scenes in which she’s trapped in an L.A. alleyway, the Pacific Ocean, dinner parties (my personal hell), a giant Venus flytrap-like plant, and, of course, hell.

And, my faithful three readers, a character from Hunted Past plays a significant role in this Hunted book. Plus, the hero is seriously hot. Just sayin’.

My glorious editor at Soulmate Publishing told me to expect to see Hunted Dreams published in the springtime, so start saving up! I have it on good authority that your brother, your significant other, your neighbor, your boss, your Zumba instructor, your co-volunteer at the animal shelter, and your Pit Bull would all like a copy. Plus, in the frenzy of book buying, don’t forget you! I guarantee you’re going to like this one.


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