Visual Shortcuts that Cut
As both a writer and a reader, I’m always trying to figure out why authors do some of the things we do: End scenes in particular ways, juxtapose dialogue and description, harness the rhythm of words to craft verbal songs… Use visual shortcuts as symbols for the characters’, well, character. Maybe it’s due to my rather colorful political sensibilities, or maybe because my dissertation focused on, in part, lookism , but I’m especially sensitive to the symbolism contained in the physical descriptions of literary characters. As I’ve written about before, I’m pretty devoted to making sure I represent under-represented physicalities , and I particularly delight in subverting traditional physical tropes. Given all this, I find it so disappointing when I read books that reinforce all the old, tired symbolism surrounding characters’ physical presentations. You know what’s super fun and reflects a lot more creativity than relying on the usual physical symbols...