Thanksgiving in December
I woke up this morning in a foul mood. How dare morning come before I was ready? Do the neighborhood dogs ever stop barking? What had possessed me to leave dishes in the sink last night? How did I let myself run out of coconut milk coffee creamer? Why do showers have to be so wet ? And why, why do so many letters of the alphabet rhyme? You know that bleary scowl so many of us have upon cracking our eyelids? Yeah, mine never left my face. Something like this. After my fiancé scurried off to work and my cats abandoned me to my glaring glory, I ordered myself to stop being such an epic grump. Then, much to my chagrin, what vision should dance like a sugarplum in my head? Of all things, a Facebook meme, background all peaceful, words in a soothing font, saying something about when you’re feeling like the Grinch Who Stole Sunshiny Happiness, make a list of all the things for which you’re grateful. So I did. A few hours later, I’m back to my smiling self, so perha...