Poetry WIN!

I could play coy and effect a kind of sophisticated nonchalance, but we all know I do subtle about as well as our current Congress compromises. So, without further ado, I shall commence with the merriment, dances, and over-loud squees: I won, I won, I won! I entered a poetry contest sponsored by the Poetry Society of Colorado , and I won first place. The theme was "overcoming," so I submitted a poem about standing up to and eventually leaving an abusive partner. It's one of my very, very rare rhyming poems, and to be honest, I'm not even remotely a fan of poems that rhyme. Nonetheless, and in large part because the poem fit the theme so beautifully, I submitted it. Below is the winning poem. You can also read it on their website if you'd prefer. ****************** Hatchling My cage is in your bedroom To keep my howls in check But bitches might begin to bite And chickens learn to peck You tie my apron tighter To keep ...