Short Story on Voting in 1925

I am teaching an online Race and Ethnicity course, and I asked my students to do the following: Do some research into the history of legalized segregation in the U.S. (Here’s one story that discusses DuBois’ failed attempt in 1905 to stay in a Whites-only hotel while he was – wait for it – forming what would become the NAACP.) Write a few sentences in the first person as an African American in 1920 or so who lives a racially segregated life. Be realistic. Certainly because I am a benevolent teacher and not because I simply love writing short stories and making students read them (ahem), I penned a rather lengthy example for them. Because it contained some interesting information about voting rights for Black Americans in the 1920s, I decided to share it with you all. You're welcome. Oh and yes, I know it's problematic for a White woman to put voice to Black experiences, but in my defense, I am making this assignment first-person to get my (mostly-Whit...