Thursday Threads: The Highlander's Reluctant Bride by Cathy MacRae
The Highlander’s Reluctant Bride , Book 2 in The Highlander’s Bride series by Cathy MacRae Genre : Historical Romance set in the Highlands of Scotland, 1377 Heat Scale : Sensual Cover blurb : Determined to keep the Macrory clan’s holdings out of the clutches of the Lord of the Isles and marauding pirates, King Robert II sends his man, Lord Ranald Scott, to hold Scaurness Castle. There, Laird Macrory lays dying, awaiting word from his son who is missing on the battlefields of France. If the son is not found before the old laird dies, Ranald will take over as laird—and marry Laird Macrory’s headstrong daughter. Lady Caitriona sees no reason she cannot rule the clan in her brother’s stead, and is bitterly disappointed with the king’s decision to send a man to oversee the castle and people. Not only is Ranald Scott only distantly related to the Macrory clan, but he was her childhood nemesis. She has little trust or like for him. Her disappointment turns to panic...