Confronting Claims of Mediocrity

So, obviously I think I write a decent book. I’m nobody’s Shakespeare; heck, I’d settle for a nice Ilona Andrews. I’m a much better character builder than world builder. I do dialogue way better than action scenes. Metaphors flow like electrical impulses through my creations, but my pacing is sometimes a bit slow and introspective. But, ya know, I think I do this writing thingy pretty good. You can imagine my open mouthed surprise, my prim little gasp, my grumpy tingle, when I discovered a reputable romance review site had given The Tithe three out of five stars. Three. Out of five. That’s, like, a 60%, which in my classes is a D-.* Ouch. Super, duper ouch. I tried to laugh it off, to rationalize it as mere differences in opinion. But, like a bee sting, these things kinda keep burning until, finally, you chomp your lip and yank out the stinger. Consider this the stinger yanking. I don't know. Maybe I would have preferred receiving one star out of five. I see t...