See Elle Hop: Soul Mate Blog Hop

Several of us Soul Mate Publishing authors are hippity-hopping all over the Interwebs in a delicious blog hop. I would like to say I participate in these because I think they help expose me (hee hee) and snag me more reader minions, but we all know it’s because the word “hop” makes me think of froggies. Or maybe bunnies. Whee! Anyway, here’s how it goes. I’m going to dazzle you by answering some questions about me. After your pulse returns to normal, please read below about a couple more Soul Mate authors. I urge you to visit their sites, too, and shamelessly lavish them with attention and love. So, hop on, my friends! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 1. What am I working on right now? At the end of my summer break last year, I finished The Tithe , a futuristic, paranormal romance about a scholar, a blind man, some angels, and a bunch of people who find themselves cast out of their societies. Essentially, seventy people with disabilities are tithed, or lef...