Hunted Dreams Book Cover: Or, My Semiotic Analysis of My Literary Sonogram

Cover art for the fabulously spooky Hunted Dreams has arrived! It’s always a proud and exciting moment for us authors, kinda like seeing a sonogram for the first time of one’s bio-bun baking gently in the ol’ oven-womb! Well, except for less creepy verbiage. But ANYway, it’s a harbinger of things to come and the first bit authors can make publicly available about our prenatal literary babies. Here, my beloveds, in all its glory, is the official cover of Hunted Dreams . Snazzy, right? As my editor pointed out, after rejecting several prior drafts, this one is marketable and purty. Being a not-so-enthusiastic supporter of the manipulative power of advertising, I admit I cringe at words like “marketable,” but I have to face it: Elle Hill™ and her little works are all commodities, baby. Step right up and buy a little piece of me. Truly, I find this cover very visually compelling. I love the colors, the ratio of light to dark, the fonts, the inclusion of the katana and ...